Saturday, July 16, 2005


Woe is me.
With Andrew Black crippled by a bad beat and Raymer crippled by a bad beat, and Matusow finished off by a fairly bad beat the Final 5 leave a bit too be desired.
I like Tex Barch.
Other than that, I'm not a big fan of the play I've seen.
Joseph Hachem is alright.

As I write this, Barch calls an all-in re-raise from Aaron Kanter. Barch has AQ, Kanter A7.
The flop is 77T and Kanter doubles up off the best player left in this thing.
This is getting sickening.
(Kanter laid the beat on Raymer and now on Barch.)

So I'm sitting here at 4:45 in the morning. I'm eating pizza, listening to the WSOP broadcast with Phil Hellmuth and Chris Ferguson and watching Batman the movie.
It's like a party with myself.


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