Sunday, July 24, 2005

The Big Game

Last night saw me sitting at a cash game table. A rare occurence to be sure, but this game was too big to miss.
ActionJeff, a 10/20 NL player; N8, the owner of PS Crew; N!LE, a very succesful PS MTT player; and a few other guys all got together on a .01/.02 NL table.
By the time we were really going, the average pot was $7. I'd lost a $50 pot, and then got back to even a few minutes later without utilizing the re-buy glitch. It was sick.
I lost the pot to ActionJeff, when I tried to put him on a semi-bluff, going against my first read. My first read was two pair. I chenged it to flush-draw, and went wild with my top pair. He had two pair, and I was felted.
I got KK all-in and lost it once. But then I won a huge, 4-way all-in pot with it for my second $25 pot of the night.

I sucked at poker today. No need to go into it. I was shafted all day long.
Right before the break in a $10r sat I lost a huge pot with TT after getting all in vs 99 and 44 on the 678 flop. Ironically, a river t cost me the hand. It also cost me $30 in rebuys as I tried to scramble to get lucky before the break. I ended up with the minimum 5K in chips as I rebought twice and then added on on the final hand.
It was sick.
Worse, when we were getting semi-close I tried a resteal from a button raise with A7. My opponent had AK and wasn't going anywhere. I flopped a 7. He turned a K, which gave me a flush draw that I missed.
I was pissed and lost my next two $50 HU matches. One due to tilt.
I rarely tilt, but I did today.
Luckily, I've won my last two HU matches. The first win I had to suffer through a 2-outer than a 3-outer against me in big pots.
I hate slowplaying, even HU, but it's so necessary to decieve your opponents. I lost one match after slowplaying KK with a 2:1 lead. Twice when I'd thought and called the BB, my opponent had pushed. So I did that. The fake timing tell didn't work and the flop was 55x. He had 58o and I couldn't get away.


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