Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Dabbling once More in MTTs

I've played 4 MTTs over the last two days and 3 MTT Sats. So far I've struck out in all of the sats, but I've made the money in my last 3 MTTs.
For awhile, I didn't really have time to play MTTs, but now I think it's something I can do again. They're poker's biggest rush, in my opinion but they are also a source up much grief and anguish.
Today was a classic example.
First, in a $36+3 sat to the $215 I mis-click min-raise from MP with AK. An idiot in the CO calls and the SB pushes for 3K. Now the blinds are 50/100 and I have 1900 behind me. I can easily fold, and I don't like calling off my chips with AK any more than the next guy. But I figured under the circumstances, I was almost certainly racing at worst. There was a chance I was dominating, and a 5-6K pot at that stage of the $36+3 could be huge. SO I called. The idiot called.
He had KJdd. The SB had 88 and won, eliminating me in like 70th place.

I also played a $3r.
Dear BurntOrnge,

You finished the tournament in 168th place.
A $27.19 award has been credited to your Real Money account.

You earned 48.31 tournament leader points in this tournament.
For information about our tournament leader board, see our web site at

I got lucky to get that far, but the ending was still extremely dissappointing. Once again, it was with AK. The blinds were 1,500/3,000 and I had 35K. UTG+1 raised, a lucky, aggressive player called in MP.
I pushed.
EP player called with 88.
Lucky aggro player called with AQ.

The flop was AQX, and I lost a 100K pot that would have done wonders for my confidence.
Based on this post and my last one, it seems like AK is out to get me. Maybe it is. But, I can guarantee you that flat-calling from the BB is just bad.
The only hands I'm really worried about will most likely still have me by the balls if I hit the flop hard. Unless it's KK and an A flops. Then, good luck getting chips from that guy anyway. If I miss the flop, as I'll usually do I'm really in an awkward position with like 29K, holding AK out of position and a 20K pot.

IMO, 88 should have laid his hand down. AQ prolly calls anyway and I'm still elminated, but I really can't justify the play of EP with 88.

In other news, I stayed up all night playing poker. After posting on this blog, I played a $30+3 MTT. Dissappointing finish, but it always is when you don't win (and I only have done that once).

Only 162 entered.

Dear BurntOrnge,

You finished the tournament in 14th place.
A $58.32 award has been credited to your Real Money account.

You earned 84.39 tournament leader points in this tournament.
For information about our tournament leader board, see our web site at


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