Nice Job
Spot the error, kiddies.
Someone screwed the pooch on that one, lol.
Well done, ESPN.
Speaking of sports jour- nalism, I was in Dallas yesterday to cover the women's basketball Big 12 tournament. Of course, Texas lost in the first round, so I didn't get to stick around.
Ain't that always the way. Here's what I wrote for it. You can find my story at
Thus ends basketball season for me, so I should have even more time on my hands. Just what I need.
I guess that means more time for poker, right?
I hate poker though. I played a $12+1 6-handed SnG a couple days ago. With 6 remaining, I had 80 chips. I tripled up twice by winning races, and eventually took a chip lead with 5 left. With three left, I had a huge lead with over 5K in chips. Of course, my KK lost to 77 with all the chips in preflop, and when we got HU, I was outchipped.
Then my opponent caught every fuckin' flop and I eventually lost after a tough battle. It was gay.
I've now played 4 live sessions. I made $35 the first, lost $15 the second, won $255 the third and another $15 the fourth.
Of course I got lucky in my one big winning session, but that's cool. Now my live BR consists of two buy-ins...
My ROR is so high...
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