After crashing and burning in a $16DS for $650 last night, I decided to jump in the $5r for $160. The rebuy period was awful, a mix of me tilting and getting unlucky. I ended the rebuy period $40 in and with just about the min possible chips. From there I pushed as needed, and found myself hand for hand. The BB jumped to 20K right as it hit my 16K stack, but someone else was eliminated (I doubled on the hand anyway).
1001001 also won shortly after winning the $16DS I'd suggested to him. Out of the kindness of hist heart, he sent me $50W. I'm too broke to turn that down, so I said "thanks."
Automatically registered for the $160 DS, I decided to play it. My first table had 4 players with over 100K in career winning including dabest247, Davin Anderssen. Three-handed I was stuck with him and another big winner, and they were playing each other softer than a down comforter. When dabest finally called an all-in with KQ, he typed "well at least one of us will get the chips."
Ridiculous, but whatever.
HU was tough, I started with a big chip lead and it went back and forth. I played two hand horribly, one of which I won without a showdown. The other I got frisky with BPBK... I'd had him down to the felt and doubled him up. I was impatient, and 'hoping' he had a flush draw. He had two pair.
But in general, I outplayed him and I won.
At the final table of the DS with a WSOP seat 9 people away, I played poorly. tsoprano and a few other mentionables were there and I think I was too intent on not being pushed around.
It was embarassing.
Out in 8th for $0.