A Bit O Poker
I'm trying to get back into poker, because even with how bad it's been to me, it's been too good overall for me to reject it. But it's still very trying. I feel like I'm in the same rut I was in was in when I took my break.
I played a $10+1 180-man SnG and lost a huge hand early as a huge favorite, but overcame that to finish 11th. I was card dead from around three tables on and died on an impatient re-steal attempt from the BB. The guy was the right guy to snap back at, but my stack was probably too short to get him to fold much of anything. He had a monster, so it was irrelevant.
After not being able to sleep after getting an accidental wake-up call from a girl I called last night, I decided to play a $5 NL HE tournament and a FPP sat to PokerStar's huge freeroll December 9.
I lost in the $5 MTT when a dumbass entered the pot by callling a big re-raise with JTcc. The initial raiser also called, and I pushed on the T-hi flop. Of course, he called and hit a third T on the turn.
That let me concentrate on my satellite, I guess. It's a double shoot-out, and I obliterated my first table with one good play and lots of good hole cards.
Just now, I pushed after an EP raise got two quick callers. I had QQ in MP and figured only one person wins anything, might as well get a bunch of chips or lose early.
They all folded, and I demonstrated my incredible prowess at shit talking.
Dealer: Game #7266162252: BurntOrnge wins pot (530)
BurntOrnge: All your base are belong to me
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