Thursday, March 30, 2006

State of the Union

The union between me and that harlot poker, of course.
Unlike presidents, I won't make this a long drawn out tirade where I lie to myself and paint a rosy picture.
My BR is shot, but I'm not worried about that. I'm just going to set a couple unreasonable goals and move on from there.
I want to make $500 in April.
I want to win a WSOP seat.

Goal 1: This SHOULD be easy, but nothing is anymore. At this rate, I'll go broke in April. But I set that goal in December, nearly met it and had a lot of fun. This one is smaller, but seems more daunting.

Goal 2: Yeah right, but it's a goal. Maybe it won't make me try any harder, but I'm pretty goal-oriented, so I think it will. Afterall, with this now stated as a goal, failure to be in the WSOP is FAILURE.
I accept failure, nothing crazy going on there, but I don't love it. Now when I'm not playing at this year's WSOP I'll keep in mind that it's only because I failed.

Monday, March 27, 2006

I Hate Poker

Well I'm just checking in. I've been running poorly and none to interested in writing about it. According to my plan, the road to recovery will be 215 sats.
Wish me luck.

March Madness is awesome. Of course, just when I thought I'd been underappreciating UT basketball, they go and lose in the fashion they did to LSU. Sometimes, they are unwatchable; that was one of those times. Nice shooting...
George Mason is incredible and fun to watch.
My bracket's no good. My Final Four consisted of UConn, Duke, UCLA and BC. UConn and Duke choked, while Villanova -- who I knew would choke -- lasted a game too long, saving it for Florida instead of BC.

My IM softball team played their first game a coupla weeks ago and our raggedy band of sportswriters -- and one page designer -- took down ODPhi's finest. That was the day Kirby Puckett died. We dedicated the game to him, fell behind 6-0 after the top of the first, then came back, finally winning 12-9.
I sucked at the plate and shone in the field.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Nice Job

Spot the error, kiddies.

Someone screwed the pooch on that one, lol.
Well done, ESPN.

Speaking of sports jour- nalism, I was in Dallas yesterday to cover the women's basketball Big 12 tournament. Of course, Texas lost in the first round, so I didn't get to stick around.

Ain't that always the way. Here's what I wrote for it. You can find my story at

Thus ends basketball season for me, so I should have even more time on my hands. Just what I need.

I guess that means more time for poker, right?
I hate poker though. I played a $12+1 6-handed SnG a couple days ago. With 6 remaining, I had 80 chips. I tripled up twice by winning races, and eventually took a chip lead with 5 left. With three left, I had a huge lead with over 5K in chips. Of course, my KK lost to 77 with all the chips in preflop, and when we got HU, I was outchipped.
Then my opponent caught every fuckin' flop and I eventually lost after a tough battle. It was gay.

I've now played 4 live sessions. I made $35 the first, lost $15 the second, won $255 the third and another $15 the fourth.
Of course I got lucky in my one big winning session, but that's cool. Now my live BR consists of two buy-ins...
My ROR is so high...