Wednesday, November 30, 2005

So the 4Runner didn't really work out

After that thing made itself kaput, I got into a precarious situation. Immobility will get ya killed, just ask the Spanish Armada.
Anyway, push came to shove and I got a loan. Then I got a truck. It's not my dream truck, but it's pretty damn cool.
It's a 2002 Ford F-150 Super Crewcab. The guys were asking 17K but it being the end of the month and them being volume-sellers, they were willing to move. So we (My friend Aaron accompanied me to ask the right questions) got them below $15K and ended up paying $16,085 walk off.
I'll post pictures later when I've got a good one or two.

This kind of present with with a predicament.
Poker money should either go toward insurance (which is significantly higher than before) or accessories.
I know that it sounds frivolous to use it for accessories, but the plan isn't to go hog wild. The insurance will get paid regardless, while if I don't use poker money for accessories, I prolly won't get them at all. But I'd really like a few simple improvements.
We'll see.

So I played this $50 HU match a couple nights ago. I can beat the HU players at Noble but I cannot figure them out. They're weak-passive to an extreme and almost to a man.
This was the same fare. On the first hand he flopped two pair, called my flop and turn bets cold then check behind on the river, after raising pf with like 68s... so weird.

So this game is see saw, I go down prety far then come back and take a nice lead which promptly evaporates. The blinds go up and become sifnificant.
Finally, I'm dealt ducks and he raises (he did raise pf a lot). I push and he calls with K9o...
I really don't understand this type of play, scared but insane...
Anywa, the 9 flops and I'm down to 400 with 30/60 blinds. I push next hand with J9s and he calls with A3, 9 flops again and it's 800 12oo.
I push next hand with 77 and he calls with KT. I win that race, then push next hand with 69o...
He calls with 74o...
9-hi wins it...

So I cashed out another $80. My bank account's nearly been recompensed for the laptop purchase.

Monday, November 21, 2005

Laptop? Check

I bought a Dell 1150 Inspiron from a PokerStars player, TarDust. It cost $500. So far $250 was paid directly with recent poker money. I plan on pulling out another $250 to fully cover the cost.

In other news, I suck at life.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

New Goal

I've decided I need another goal.
Which is nice, because I also need a laptop computer.
So I will now try to make enough money for a nice laptop from poker.

It's not that I really want a laptop. God knows I'm on the computer too much already. But I need one.
I take my journalism major pretty seriously, and I'm the only writer at the Daily Texan that I know of without one. I'm to cover women's basketball now, and I don't know how I'll get game stories in in a timely manner without a laptop. Plus, I hope to intern with in the summer, and I bet a laptop is necessary to do the job.

I'm going to start the laptop fund with the $100 I won yesterday, and the $100 I won when I played 3/6Euro.
So I've got $200 toward it now.

I don't know much about laptops, and it's time to start shopping. Any suggestions?
Let me know in the suggestion box (also known as comments).

Team 'shipit' and the $100 HU Match

At Noble poker, players without nicknames, have their ids prefixed by the letters 'npr'. The first few times i saw this, I thought it was a bunch of guys who knew each other. I was soon informed otherwise. But I liked the idea.
So I've gather a few of my online poker buddie and we've made names at Noble poker. We're shipit##
For example, shipit53 is my brother (otherwise known as ekillian.) I'm shipit17 (I think) there's been some confusion w/ the name change. I was playing as RSK22shipit last couple of days.

Anyway, I played and won a couple of $10 HU matches. A few hours later, I looked at the HU SnGs again, and there was somone siting in the $100 NL HE HU game.

I'd put a whopping $200 on Noble poker, and have worked it up to like $230.
Anyway, it was late. I was bored. I was tired. I had a teensy bit of alchol in me (doens't take much). And I had showtime25 egging me on.

So I played a $100 HU match.
I got JJ on like the second hand, and ended up losing some chips when I turned a set, but there was a 4-flush on the board. He had a 9-hi flush.

At Noble you start with 1000 in chips. I was below 700, and with small blinds, 20/40 (I think) my opponent pushed twice in a row. I folded each time.
Then she pushed a 3rd time. I was holding A6dd...
I decided I prolly had a small edge, and I didn't want to pass it up. So I called.
(Only right after I called, did I think 'I just called off my whole stack with A6s in a $100 match).
My opponent had 33. I flopped a 6 and doubled up.

Then I lost a race to win it, and after awhile she was grinding me back to the felt. I couldn't hit a flop to save my life and was holding on with flop bets and pre-flop raises.
It was sick.

Then the blinds jumped to 50/100. I had around 600 chips and found myself in the SB with KK. She had gone back to open pushing, and had pushed a couple times when I completed.
So I completed. She pushed. I called, and my KK held up vs her 55.
Then I got aggro, and she soon had less than 500 chips. She pushed for like 450 from the SB, and I called with K9dd. She had J8, and I flopped a 9. It was good enough, and (huzzah) I won.

I still feel like HU is my game, but after that run in the $50 Hu matches at Stars, I odn't know what to do with it. Maybe I'll play $20 HU matches and MTTs on Noble.
We'll see.

Sunday, November 06, 2005

I Hate Poker

So While I was writing my last entry, I was engaged in one of those $20+2 20-table SnGs. I ended up finishing an unsatisfying 16th.
My failure to write about it has doomed to me failure ever since.
I'm 0 for my last 8 SnGs. Luckily some of them were real cheapies. Others were $35+3.
So I hate poker.
The definition of self-abuse has to be low boy-in MTTs and I got medieval on my own ass by playing a $2+.20 MTT with a couple of thousand people in it.

We were below 600 less than two hours in, when I had action in front of my pocket kings. I got all in and lost to AsKs when he flopped a flush.
I hate poker.

I've been sick for two weeks now, but it's a functional kind of sick.
Thursday night I went out to a bar, Posse East, with my roommate, Zack, and people from Longhorn Band.
Two band frats were there, the Gourdheads and Beta Bunch. Well, the Gourdheads have this tradition where they walk in a big circle, do a chant and clap their hands.
When they do this, the Beta Bunch has their own tradition. They line up and moon the marching Gourdheads.
Thursday night this took place right outside the bar (in the middle of the street). So you've got a group of like 20 people walking in a circle clapping their hands and about 20 guys mooning them.
These two other guys come walking across the street. They're half-stepping and don't realize what's going on until they're smackdab in between the two groups.
Apparently, they were offended because one guy spreads his arms crucifix-style and flies both groups the bird as he walks through.
You'd think they'd never seen an ass -- or 20 -- before. Me, Chris and Rustin are standing there and we see this. Someone yells at them to get their attention and we all fly 'em the bird back.
"Fuck you!"
They looked real pissed but kept walking. I mean, these two guys seemed to be as disturbed as mormons in a head shop by the wall of asses.
Suddenly, they double back and I'm thinking there might be a fight. Which is ok with me. One of the guys was about my size, and the oyther one wasn't that much bigger. So me Rustin and Chris had them overmatched.
Oh and there were two frats behind us with plenty of guys that could jump in.
Unfortunately, the guys just walked into the bar, got two drinks each and walked back across the street from wherever they'd come.
Each one was carrying to non-alcoholic drinks.
What fags.